Monday, June 21, 2010

Written By, painted by

The Writer's Guild of America West has a magazine called Written By. The latest issue has an article on Ray Bradbury, and a delightful caricature of Bradbury on the cover, created by artist Lou Romano. It also contains the first appearance of Bradbury's short story "The Dog in the Red Bandana".

I wouldn't say the article reveals anything new, but it does give a good, clear account of Bradbury's life and work, and is beatifully illustrated with some good photos, paintings and book cover art.

The full issue is now available to view online, or for download as a PDF.

Lou Romano gives a good account of how his artwork came into being, with lots of preliminary sketches and variants of the finished piece. Lou's blog post is here.

Another Pixar artist, Glenn Kim, has been working on some Bradbury-inspired imagery for Steven Paul Leiva's challenge to create artwork for Bradbury's 90th birthday. See Kim's Fahrenheit 451 imagery here.

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